RRT 232: CRC - Investigational Product Management

1 module


Course Length
15 mins

Advarra University

$95.00 USD


During a clinical trial, the management of the investigational product (IP) is an important task that requires great care and attention to detail. Correct IP management minimizes the risk to study participants and protects the integrity of clinical trial data.

This course aims to cover the practical concerns of IP management in the areas of accountability, storage, and administration.

Attendance at this program has been approved for 0.50 contact hours of research specific continuing education on applications for Maintenance of ACRP’s CCRC®, CCRA®, CPI®, or ACRP-CP® certification designations.

The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA - www.SOCRA.org) accepts documentation of candidate participation in continuing education programs for recertification if the program is applicable to clinical research regulations, operations or management, or to the candidate’s clinical research therapeutic area. This program offers 0.50 hours of CE credit.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define what an investigational product is and how to find information on its use in a study.
  • Determine appropriate storage, access, and record keeping for investigational products.
  • Create administrative practices for the proper handling, return, and disposal of investigational products.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate (No Expiration) Advarra Completion Certificate

RRT 232: CRC - Investigational Product Management
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